Thrive Youth Work is a project within Huntingdonshire Community Church (charity no. 803355) that aims to
“transform lives of young people by inspiring them to:
build positive relationships, make good decisions, develop emotional resilience,
and enjoy a strong sense of well-being."
The project was founded in 2018 in response to concern that some of the young people growing up in Huntingdon and the surrounding areas were struggling emotionally, behaviourally and relationally, and as a consequence were at risk of making poor life decisions, failing to engage well with education, and becoming vulnerable to potentially exploitative relationships and poor mental health.
Delivered by trained professional youth workers and volunteers, the team works in two local secondary schools in Huntingdon (Hinchingbrooke and St. Peter’s) providing 1-2-1 and Group Mentoring programmes offering early-intervention and pastoral support for those identified as struggling to cope emotionally, relationally and behaviourally. The team also host open-access safe-space break-time clubs in the schools. In the community after school, Thrive Youth Work delivers Youth Cafés in the Huntingdon area and trips/events for young people to socialise outside of school, engage in fun activities, access pastoral support and connect with local youth workers. ​

“transforming lives of young people by inspiring them to:
build positive relationships, make good decisions,
develop emotional resilience, and enjoy
a strong sense of well-being."
Our Vision
Our vision is to see children and young people growing up with positive relationships in their lives, able to make good decisions for themselves, who are emotional resilient, and enjoy
a strong sense of well-being.

Our Outcomes
Thrive Youth Work, in partnership with schools, communities and churches, makes a difference by delivering the following outcomes:
Young people who have supportive, positive, and trusted relationships in their lives: with youth workers, family, teachers, peers and others.
Young people who make good decisions: to stay in school, away from gangs, and set goals and work hard to achieve them.
Young people who enjoy a strong sense of well-being: raised self-esteem, -confidence and - awareness, and emotional resilience.
Our Values
with young people where they are through relational youth work
for young people in relevant ways, particularly through mental health support
young people for who they are
young people in their thinking and actions
safe spaces for young people in schools and communities,
and opportunities for young people to explore life.
Our Team
The Thrive Team is led by two professional and qualified youth workers. Together with the volunteers they deliver the Thrive Schools and Community Programme.