Thrive Youth Work partners with local schools, communities and churches. We look to align with regional and local strategies and to be part of the larger solution for those growing up in the area.​
Thrive youth work partners with Hinchingbrooke School and St. Peter's School to deliver its in-school 1-2-1 and group mentoring programme and host Thrive Space break and lunch time clubs.
The project was founded in 2018 and continues to be supported by the Anglican Diocese of Ely and Huntingdon Parish Churches, Huntingdonshire Community Church, and Godmanchester Baptist Church. Our church partnerships involve: hosting the Youth Cafes at church venues, Thrive Collective (a half termly event where young people who choose to can come and share a meal together, enjoy games and challenges, and explore the Christian faith), and a Summer Residential (a three-day faith-focussed residential in the summer for young people who choose to come, to take part in fun activities, gain new experiences, and explore Christian faith through group sessions).
Thrive youth work partners with a range of supporters for financial and other resources including churches, grant-making trusts and foundations and individual donors.